End Hemp Prohibition

Joint Conversations Newsletter - March 2015

Time 4 Cannabis Legalization

- April 20, 2015 -

While cannabis legalization for recreational and medical use continues to happen in the USA, its citizens have found that they can purchase many alternatives from baked goods, drinks to concentrates. Meanwhile here in Canada an approved medical user can only smoke, vaporize or use it in food but only in its natural state, plant material. We are not allowed to legally change it through any processing method so
it’s whole plant material or nothing.

But there is a bright light beaming in the horizon and it’s getting brighter at every court challenge it comes up against cannabis legalization. Our cover this month is a picture of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) and it’s surrounded in smaller pictures of what was happening on the inside on March 20/15. This is the day that non-medical user Owen Smith and his lawyer Kirk Tousaw were before the top court in our land. They were thereto argue the right for people to have access to alternatives such as the bake goods, which is what Owen was busted for, while he was creating them for Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club in British Columbia. If they win this case that means patients will be able to use tinctures, topical, oils and much much more without violating our medical cannabis regulations.

Read the entire magazine below or

click to download as a PDF.

Casper Leitch

I got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1989 when I was hired by Jack Herer to run hiss office. I launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given me the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.


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