Father Of Marijuana Media
Every day is a good day to take Time 4 Hemp.
Casper Leitch in High Times for the first time - August 1991.
Casper Leitch got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1990 when he was hired by Jack Herer to run Jack’s office. Casper launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given Casper the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.
He was a participant in the U.S. government funded ’UCLA Smoked Marijuana Study’ headed by Dr. Donald Tashkin. In doing so, Casper became the first person to be recorded smoking legal cannabis in a US Government funded lab. Watch it in this collection of 1991 Time 4 Hemp TV segments.
Click here to watch segments of the 1991 TV Series.
He was High Times Magazine – FEB 2013 – Freedom Fighter Of The Month.
He was also featured in TREATING YOURSELF JOURNAL and
Casper began hosting the Time 4 Hemp podcast in 2005 on a casual basis. American Freedom Radio began broadcasting the series in 2009 on a M-F schedule. In 2013, Time 4 Hemp became the FIRST ALL CANNABIS ALL THE TIME 24/07 network on iHeartRadio.
The THE SEATTLE HEMPFEST and PORTLAND HEMPSTALK have invited Casper to be a guest speaker at several of their events. They were the two biggest hemp festivals in the United States prior to the pandemic.
Below are links to the Time 4 Hemp archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2017 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2016 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2015 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2014 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2013 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2012 Audio Archives.
Time 4 Hemp 2011 Audio Archives.
Casper is also a poet and has had many of his poems published over the years. His first poem was published in 1968 when he was 14 years old. Below are 2 poems that are bookend pieces that he wrote shortly before his divorce. It is dedicated to his son who was just a little over a year old at the time. A video slide show was produced around the piece.