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Joint Conversations with friends
How April 20 Became Global Weed Day
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

How April 20 Became Global Weed Day

April 20, 2016

For years, people have speculated about the true meaning of 420. Some popular myths about the origins of 420 include that the number is the police code for marijuana or that it’s the number of chemical compounds found in weed, however, 420 thankfully has much more innocent and good-natured origins than anything having to do with all of that.

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Time 4 Hemp Is Growing
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Time 4 Hemp Is Growing

March 20, 2016

I’ve been busy re-tooling the TIME 4 HEMP ROKU-TV channel. Many of our hosts and sponsors have video presentations of their work. Because of that, the channel is quickly growing. ROKU-TV is also quickly growing. According to Michael Greeson, founder of The Diffusion Research Group, “Smart TVs will likely find their way into more than 80% of homes over the next 10 years and owners of smart TVs report a significant increase of watching live-stream content.”

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Liberty And Justice For All
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Liberty And Justice For All

January 20, 2016

Liberty and Justice for all!? Disturbingly, there is a movement spreading around some of our universities and elsewhere to promote having a “Freedom from Speech,” otherwise known as a freedom from having your feelings hurt by “insensitive” speech. This has resulted in so-called “safety zones” in which people are shielded from discomforting thoughts.

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Have A Hempy Holidaze
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Have A Hempy Holidaze

December 20, 2015

Dabbing seems to be the new holiday craze! With the Christmas season upon us, all of us at Joint Conversations would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday. May it be filled with happiness, smiles and loved ones.

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Time 4 Alternative Cannabis Choices
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Time 4 Alternative Cannabis Choices

November 20, 2015

Back in April I wrote an editorial titled Time 4 Alternative Cannabis Choices but at that time it had to do with Owen Smith’s victory before Canada’s Supreme Court. It was a victory that allowed patients the right to have alternatives to just smoking their medication, which was something that the government was pretty well forcing upon sick and dying Canadians.

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Unmask Cannabis Freedom
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Unmask Cannabis Freedom

October 20, 2015

In the recent issues of Joint Conversations we have touched on global marijuana reform. In this issue we cover the Canadian federal election and the cannabis issue in Canada. During our election all but one federal party supported some form of cannabis law reform which included both decimalization and legalization.

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