How April 20 Became Global Weed Day

Joint Conversations Newsletter - April 2016

It’s ALWAYS 420 Somewhere

- April 20, 2016 -

For years, people have speculated about the true meaning of 420. Some popular myths about the origins of 420 include that the number is the police code for marijuana or that it’s the number of chemical compounds found in weed, however, 420 thankfully has much more innocent and good-natured origins than anything having to do with all of that.

Five San Rafael High School friends in San Rafael, Calif. collectively called the Waldos probably started the 420 tradition, according to the Huffington Post’s seminal story on the history of 420. The code first came about in the fall of 1971 because the Waldos planned to meet at a statue of Louis Pasteur at the school at 4:20 before they went on an expedition to score some free weed from a plot of marijuana plants abandoned by a Coast Guard service member.

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Casper Leitch

I got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1989 when I was hired by Jack Herer to run hiss office. I launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given me the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.


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