Jason Lauve Takes Time 4 Hemp

Host, Casper Leitch, Joint Host’s, Al Byrne, and Al Graham join guest, Jason Lauve, to take Time 4 Hemp.

Leading The Fight For Cannabis And Hemp Legalization

Few names in the cannabis advocacy movement carry as much weight as Jason Lauve, also known as "Mr. Hemp." His tireless work in the cannabis industry, particularly in the realm of medical marijuana and industrial hemp, has left a lasting impact on legislation, public perception, and business opportunities across the United States. Lauve's journey from medical cannabis patient to nationally recognized activist exemplifies the power of perseverance, legal expertise, and public advocacy.

In 2004, a snowboarding accident changed Jason Lauve’s life forever. A snowboarder collided with him, causing a severe spinal injury that left him in excruciating pain and reliant on a wheelchair and cane for mobility. After exploring numerous medical treatments, Lauve discovered that medical cannabis was the only effective solution for managing his chronic pain.

Despite its therapeutic benefits, the legal barriers surrounding cannabis soon became an obstacle of their own. His personal experience with medical marijuana led him to advocate for others in similar situations, fighting for their right to access a natural, effective treatment.

Click here to enjoy this interview in video format.

Casper Leitch

I got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1989 when I was hired by Jack Herer to run hiss office. I launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given me the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.


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