Time 4 Marijuana Parties

Joint Conversations Newsletter - December 2019

Happy Danksgiving and a Hempy Holiday Season!

- November 20, 2019 -

This is the November - December 2019 Network Program Guide for the Time 4 Hemp broadcasting network. In between the pages you will also find 2 free books and lots of FREE Marijuana Music for the holidays that you can download. Please share this with your friends and visit https:/www.Time4Hemp.news to enjoy our 24/07 Live Cannabis Music and Talk iHeartRadio stream.

You can read the entire issue below or

click here to download as a PDF.

Casper Leitch

I got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1989 when I was hired by Jack Herer to run hiss office. I launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given me the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.


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