A New Year 4 Hemp
Time 4 2014 Medical Marijuana Reform
- January 20, 2015 -
As reported several times in the mainstream media and online the year 2014 was an amazing year for medical marijuana reform. In this issue of Joint Conversations you will that we have included a few articles detailing how wonderful of a year it was. My Ed’s Pick article continues with that as I have picked an article from Rob Kampia of the Marijuana Policy Project on the same subject.
It’s been a slow steady climb but cannabis legalization has become something that is talked about more now than probably at any other time. Sure there were the 60’s and the 70’s where many believed in would happen. Here in Canada the Liberals of the early 70’s were going to move on it but it never happened. Which makes skeptics of some people, about what Justin Trudeau; the present Liberal leader is promising medical marijuana reform.
Read the entire magazine below or